EnneaGuide™ to Relational Development
A Two-Day Workshop for Coaches
Tap the wisdom of the Enneagram
to more effectively assess and unwind the
relationship conflicts and agendas that challenge
you and your clients
There is nothing more central to personal and professional satisfaction and success than the quality of our relationships.
Yet, we and our clients continually find ourselves in familiar patterns of conflict and breakdown with our family, friends and co-workers.
Refine your Relational coaching with this powerful synthesis of the insights of the Enneagram with James Flaherty's Integral Coaching™ methodology and knowledge from leading experts on relationship and intimacy. The presentation, dialogue and experiential exercises will enable you to:
- Get beyond fairy tale notions of love and harmony to accept ongoing triggering and disharmony as a natural part of relationships
- Understand each Enneagram Type's motivations, typical response to relational upset and the losing strategies that keep them stuck in conflict at work and at home
- Build awareness of the Personality-based patterns that get you in trouble with others
- Understand models and distinctions to help motivate your clients to take individual responsibility for modifying behavior and building relational skills
- Understand and design self-observations and practices to help your clients identify their blindspots, stretch into new responses to break the cycle of relational conflict, and more effectively repair relationships
- Apply what you've learned in practice coaching sessions
Workshop Details
Date: September 2012
Time: 9:00am - 6:00pm (Lunch provided)
Where: San Francisco Bay Area
Cost: $350.00 / workshop

$1400.00 for the series (Buy 4 get 1 FREE)
Workshops may be taken separately and in any order
Targeted to coaches. Therapists, spiritual directors, lifelong learners welcome
NVW Certification Credit: Speak with Ellen King about this opportunity
The EnneaGuide™ to Relational Development workshop “is Powerful!! It was loaded with practical applications for myself and for my clients. It has opened my eyes, ears and body to the depth of the Enneagram.”
"I am thoroughly impressed with the rich insights and information Karen provided. I particularly appreciate the great opportunity to understand the differences in motivation, communication and reactions to conflict between myself and other Types.”
Integral Coach
“The focus on the Relational Stream led me to a break-
through in a self-defeating pattern I have in communicating with my husband. WOW! I’m grateful.” Linda Mercier
Integral Coach